Andean Spirit Lodge, a  100% Vegetarian Lodge in the middle of nature in Limatambo, near Cusco

Andean Spirit Lodge & surroundings

Jorge Choquehuillca Huallpa performing at Andean Spirit Lodge

Dancing to Quechua music

Vegetarian Vacations Veggie Holidays Directory Worldwide directory of tour operators offering vegetarian or vegan food.

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Responsable Tourism with Animals, an organisation with the aim of informing tourist of what really lies behind some of the most popular tourist activities with animals.

Our most recent trip to Ecuador with Vegi Ventures, October 2012

Vegi Ventures trip to Ecuador part II, 2012

Ñanda Mañachi, the best autochtonous musical group from Ecuador playing live Quichua music for us

Wiñaytaki Ayllu, Quechua music and dances live performed live for us in P’isaq, Peru

Jorge Choquehuillca: Quechua music from the Andes